How to Find a GOOD Barbershop

How to Find a GOOD Barbershop

Get the Perfect Cut:

When men looking for a trim and a shave, they often tell themselves, “I should find cheap barber shops near me and walk into one of them.”

That, my friends, is a recipe for disaster. As a man, I am telling you now that going for the lowest bidder has never gone well when it comes to looking your best. It may work in government projects but saving a few dollars is not worth the aggravation of looking in a mirror and finding yourself looking like an idiot.

 If you want to be proud of your reflection in mirror and deliver a good impression, your haircut and shave should be perfect for you. For those who want to get the most out of their barber shop, here’s a simple guide on doing just that.

                                                                                                                           “The Nearest Barbershop Near Me” Should Not Be Your Metric

Barbers close to me is useful as a starting point, but you shouldn’t just find the closest one and walk over there immediately. If you’re in a hurry, that’s something that you should do. However, don’t expect something fancy from the barber – and don’t expect the personalized service that you deserve.

When looking for a barber shop, there should be more than barber shops close to your location on your list. Here are some factors to consider:

·       PRICES.

You are definitely going to factor in how much you are paying for your haircut. Men should have a definite budget when it comes to grooming. There are some places that will be definitely out of your price range. Barber shop prices range from hundred dollar hair cuts to something more palatable to those who Find a barber shop that you are comfortable when it comes to payment.

·       SERVICES.

However, when you’re paying for something, you want to get the best possible service. You usually get your haircuts at a barber shop but they should also provide you with shaving and some styling. However, that’s not all that you can get a barber shop. Some barber shops offer extra primping and even a towel treatment after all the cuts and shaves – refreshing your face after everything.


There is also the fact that you want a barber that has a good reputation. When you look at a barber shop lineup, you should also check out the reviews of the place. Some places have a better reputation than others and you want the one with the best possible reputation working on your hair.

Finding That Unique Barber Shop

When you’re looking for a barbershop, you should place more importance on it. A House of Styles barber shop sounds great, but you want personalized service. This is why you want to get a unique barber shop for yourself. Do a personal visit and see for yourself what you are potentially getting.

·       The first you should do is determine how hard it is to get a reservation. It’s dumb to just walk into a good barber shop and expect to get some service immediately. The best barber shops usually have reservations for their services. Reservations are also a good sign of how popular a barber shop is. If you can reserve a seat for yourself at the busiest time of the day – that place isn’t popular and you may be better off finding somewhere else. If you have a hard time getting a reservation, that means a lot of people want to use their services.

·       Always go to a barber shop for men. In the world of gender equality, a unisex salon may sound a more enlightened choice. However, the truth is a man’s touch is what you need to look good when it comes to a man’s hairstyle. They also know more and have better experience with male hair. Trust the knowledge that they have.

·       When you’re waiting, time the amount of time a customer stays in each seat. A 15 minute stay is not enough to get a good quality styling. This usually means that the barber is hurrying them along. You don’t want that when it comes to your barber.

·       It’s also a good idea to check out the products and the details in the barbershop. You want a barber shop that uses some of the best products in the business. If they are willing be cheap about materials, then they will also likely be willing to be cheap about your haircut. Additionally, the little details like how clean the shop is and the attention to service are going to be of great help.


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